If a petition shall not have been filed or, in case a summary proceeding has been instituted, a final order thereon has not been made in favor of the sufficiency of the petition so as to permit the question to be submitted at a general election within the provisions of Section 39-7-7, the body to which such petition is directed shall at its next regular meeting succeeding the presentation of the petition or, in case a summary proceeding has been instituted, succeeding the date of a final order thereon in favor of the sufficiency of the petition or the probate judge of the county in which the unincorporated area is located shall designate a day for the holding of a special election to ascertain the will of the electors regarding the question, which day shall not be less than 30 days nor more than 40 days from the date of such regular meeting.
The provisions of the election laws covering the registration of voters, equipment of polling places, furnishing of supplies, appointment of election officers, voting and canvassing of returns, at a general election shall apply to such election.
The governing body of such city or town or the governing body of the county in which the unincorporated area is located is hereby authorized to appropriate and expend form moneys raised by taxation for the necessary expense of such special election.
(Acts 1935, No. 40, p. 72; Code 1940, T. 50, §23.)