On and after October 1, 1988, all tax collectors, elected assistant tax collectors, revenue commissioners, license commissioners, and other officials charged with assessing and/or collecting ad valorem taxes in the various counties of this state shall invest the ad valorem taxes collected by such officials in short term investments for the period of time between collection of said taxes and distribution of same as required by law. All interest earned on such investments shall be paid into the county general fund for use as determined by the county governing body, except that 10 percent of said interest earned on such investments shall be maintained by the county treasurer in separate funds designated as the special fund of the tax assessor, tax collector, and if elected the assistant tax assessor or assistant tax collector, and the revenue commissioner, license commissioner, or such other official charged with assessing and/or collecting ad valorem taxes by whatever designation, as the case may be; however, any such official who is under a civil service system shall not be entitled to such fund. Such special funds shall not accumulate in excess of $10,000 during any ad valorem tax year.
(Acts 1989, No. 89-913, p. 1808, §1.)