The tax collector shall, at the expense of the county, procure a substantially bound book in which he or she shall enter, in the manner usual in docketing causes for trial in the circuit court, each parcel of real estate, or right or interest, or easement therein, assessed to any person against whom taxes have been assessed which are not paid or, if the tax collector has received written notice from the holder of a tax certificate, issued pursuant to Acts 1995, No. 95-408, requesting that the tax collector list the property described in such tax certificate in the book of lands prepared pursuant to this section, have been paid by the holder of such holder of a tax lien certificate, when a portion of the taxes are on the real estate or right or interest or easement therein, describing the same in the same manner as it is described in the assessment list or the record of tax lien sales kept pursuant to Acts 1995, No. 95-408, if applicable, and stating the amount of the unpaid taxes, or taxes paid by the holder of a tax lien certificate, penalties, fees, and charges due by the person, specifying the amount due the state and due the county and to special tax districts, and to the holder of a tax lien certificate issued pursuant to Acts 1995, No. 95-408 and the amount for fees and charges; and he or she shall in like manner enter in the book each parcel of real estate, or right or interest or easement therein, which has been assessed to an "owner unknown," the amount of taxes, fees, and charges due thereon or paid by the holder of a tax lien certificate, stating in each case the fact that it was so assessed. The description of the real estate, or right or interest or easement therein, shall be entered in alphabetical order, if known and they reside in the county, but if they are unknown and do not reside in the county, then by the precincts in which the real estate is situated.
(Acts 1935, No. 194, p. 256; Code 1940, T. 51, §250; Acts 1995, No. 95-408, p. 864, §2.)