The proceeds collected pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be deposited with the state Department of Revenue and shall be distributed by it at intervals of not more than 60 days as follows:
(1) There shall be distributed to the governing body of each municipality within the police jurisdiction or municipal limits of which coal or lignite was severed an amount equal to 50 percent of the tax collected under this article from the severance of coal or lignite occurring within such police jurisdiction or municipal limits; and
(2) There shall be distributed to the governing body of each county within which coal or lignite was severed other than within the police jurisdiction or municipal limits of a municipality an amount equal to 100 percent of the tax collected under this article from the severance of coal or lignite not severed within the police jurisdiction or municipal limits of a municipality, and, in addition, there shall be distributed to each such county 50 percent of the tax collected under this article from the severance of coal or lignite within the police jurisdiction or municipal limits of each municipality in such county within which there occurred the severance of coal or lignite.
(Acts 1977, No. 598, p. 799, §3.)