Unless the decedent directs otherwise in his or her will, all estate taxes, whether state or federal, payable by reason of the death of the decedent, shall be paid by the executor or other personal representative out of the estate property and shall be a charge against the residue thereof, and the executor or other personal representative shall be under no duty to recover from anyone for the benefit of the estate the pro rata portion of the estate tax attributable to inclusion in the gross estate of any property, including proceeds of policies of insurance upon the life of the decedent receivable by a beneficiary other than the executor or other personal representative, which does not pass to the executor or other personal representative as a part of the estate.
This section shall apply to the estate of any decedents who shall die on or after July 26, 1951, and before January 1, 2008, and to the estate of any decedent who dies after December 31, 2007, if the decedent continuously lacks testamentary capacity from January 1, 2008, until the date of death.
(Code 1940, T. 51, §449(1); Acts 1951, No. 291, p. 583; Act 2007-283, §13.)