Wherever in this division any portion of the net tax proceeds is provided to be applied or used for highway purposes, the same shall be used as follows:
(1) Where the use is by the Department of Transportation, such use shall, with the approval of the Governor, be for the construction of public roads and bridges in the state, the maintenance of public roads and bridges on the state highway system, the equipment and preparation of convicts for use upon the public roads and bridges in the state, the maintenance of such convicts while at work upon such roads and bridges, the compensation to the state for the said use of such convicts and for such other public road and bridge purposes in the state as may be authorized by the Department of Transportation with the approval of the Governor;
(2) Where the use is by a county, such use shall be for transportation planning, the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, widening, alteration, and improvement of public roads and bridges as is now or may hereafter be provided by law, including payment of the principal of and interest on any securities at any time issued by the county pursuant to law for payment of which all or any of the net tax proceeds were or may be lawfully pledged, and such use may also be for the purpose and subject to the provisions contained in Section 40-17-75;
(3) Where the use is by a municipality, such use shall be for transportation planning, the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, widening, alteration, and improvement of public roads, bridges, streets, and other public ways, including payment of the principal of and interest on any securities at any time issued by the municipality pursuant to law for the payment of which any part of the net tax proceeds were or may be lawfully pledged; provided, that no part of the net tax proceeds referred to in this section shall be expended contrary to the provisions of the constitution; and provided further, that funds distributed to municipalities under the provisions of this division shall not be commingled with other funds of the municipality and shall be kept and disbursed by such municipality from a special fund only for the purposes hereinabove provided.
(Acts 1967, Ex. Sess., No. 224, p. 295, §7; Acts 1969, No. 217, p. 536, §1.)