The capital credits authorized by the amendments to Sections 40-18-190 and 40-18-194 by Act 2008-275 shall not be subject to Section 40-18-202. Instead, the capital credits authorized by these amendments shall not be available for new qualifying projects after December 31, 2018, unless the Legislature votes to continue or reinstate the capital credit for new projects after that date. No action or inaction on the part of the Legislature shall reduce, suspend, or disqualify any capital credit in any past or future year with respect to any investing company which files a statement of intent pursuant to Section 40-18-191 on or before December 31, 2018, it being the sole intention of this section that the failure of the Legislature to vote to continue or reinstate the capital credit for new projects after December 31, 2018, shall affect only the availability of the capital credit to new qualifying projects after that date and shall not affect either the qualifying projects which have established their eligibility to receive capital credits under Section 40-18-191 on or before December 31, 2018, or any future qualifying expansions to the qualifying projects.
(Act 2008-275, p. 402, §11; Act 2009-722, §2.)