There shall be levied and collected from every person doing an express business between points wholly within this state and without reference to its interstate business, whether incorporated under the laws of this state or any other state or whether incorporated at all, a license or privilege tax of $4,000, which shall be paid to the Department of Revenue by check made payable to the Treasury by said company on or before the expiration of the fifteenth day of each fiscal year; provided, that any express company which operates on less than 50 miles of railroad, street railway, motor line, or boat line shall pay an annual tax of $250; and provided, that any express company which operated on 50 miles of railroad, street railway, motor line, or boat line, and less than 200 miles of railroad, street railway, motor line or boat line, shall pay an annual license of $500; and provided further, that all express companies that operate on 200 and not over 500 miles shall pay an annual tax of $2,500. It is not intended that the taxpayer under this section and Section 40-21-60 shall pay both the taxes therein mentioned, but that the taxpayer shall pay the larger of the two. The tax levied by this section and Section 40-21-60 shall not apply to bus lines which pay a license and mileage tax under Chapter 19 of this title and which carry express as a regular part of their business of hauling passengers.
(Acts 1935, No. 432, p. 910; Code 1940, T. 51, §185.)