The Social Security Act provides for additional payments to hospitals qualifying as disproportionate share hospitals under Section 1923(d) of that act. Payments to disproportionate share hospitals shall be made to all hospitals qualifying for disproportionate share hospital payments under Section 1923(d) of that act, in addition to any other payments by Medicaid. Medicaid shall fully expend the allotment to hospitals under Section 1923(f)(3) of the Social Security Act. Medicaid shall not restrict the qualifications for disproportionate share hospital payments to anything less than what the act sets out as disproportionate share hospital qualifications. State-owned institutions for mental disease shall receive no more than the same disproportionate share payments the hospitals received in state fiscal year 2009. The total disproportionate share hospital payment to each hospital shall be made during the first month of the state fiscal year. Medicaid shall mandate an uncompensated care survey be completed annually and returned to Medicaid by each hospital affected by this article beginning with the state fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and thereafter for each state fiscal year. The survey shall be conducted in a manner that complies with federal rules related to auditing and reporting of disproportionate share hospital payments, as described in 42 C.F.R. §§447 and 455.
(Act 2009-549, §2.)