It is the duty of the collector, when engaged in the collection of taxes for any year, if he discovers that any person or property within his county has not been assessed with the tax or taxes lawfully chargeable to such person or property for that year, or any preceding year, not more than five years before that time, forthwith to assess and collect the taxes due on the same and in writing to notify the assessor of the fact so discovered, in order that proper assessment of unassessed taxes may be made, and the collector has the same authority to administer oaths and propound questions as the assessor has, and any party failing or refusing to answer such questions or to give in his property shall be liable to the same penalties as provided in cases where parties fail or refuse to return their property to the assessor or answer the questions required to be propounded by the assessor. In such assessments of escaped taxes, the taxpayer on giving notice to the tax collector shall have the right of appeal as provided for escaped assessments made by the tax assessor, and all provisions and conditions applying thereto shall apply as to escaped assessments made by the tax assessor.
(Acts 1935, No. 194, p. 256; Code 1940, T. 51, §220.)