When any person or any company, corporation, or association existing under the laws of this state, or under the laws of any other state or country, doing business in this state is required to make to the assessor returns of the gross or net receipts or commissions of such business, and such returns are not made within the time required by law, but shall remain in default for the space of 10 days thereafter, the assessor, after notice to the party required to make such returns or, if he is absent from the county, without notice, shall upon the best information he can obtain list and make up such returns upon the proper blank, describing the property to be assessed as other items of property are described, noting thereon the failure of the owner after notice to make such return and the accrual of a penalty of 10 percent of the taxes to be assessed thereon.
(Acts 1935, No. 194, p. 256; Code 1940, T. 51, §54.)