Where the property of a county has been appraised at its fair and reasonable market value as required by this division to the reasonable satisfaction of the Department of Revenue, this fact shall be certified to the county board of equalization and to the tax assessor of such county, and such values shall be the basis for the equalization of the assessments for ad valorem taxes in such county for the next tax year. The fair and reasonable market values certified shall be prima facie correct for assessments for such tax year, but shall be subject to review by the county board of equalization which after a hearing of the complaint of a property owner shall fix the fair and reasonable market value at the amount it deems to be proper. The county board of equalization shall not hold a hearing as provided herein without giving due notice of such hearing to the county governing body and the Department of Revenue, one or both of which shall be represented at such hearing. Either the property owner or the state may appeal from the finding of the county board of equalization. Such appeal shall be to the circuit court of the county where the property is located. The hearing granted by the county board of equalization shall be in accordance with the procedure set out in Section 40-3-16; provided, that the board may begin the hearing of protests as soon as property owners have been notified of the fair and reasonable market value attributed to their property and shall continue sitting for the purpose of such hearings until all who protest have been heard. Where the members of the county board of equalization are paid on a per diem basis, compensation for any days the members are required to perform duties under this division which are in addition to the days for which they will be paid under normal appropriations and allocations shall be paid by the county governing body from the funds provided by this division.
(Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 160, p. 4404, §12.)