(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a public authority or county or municipal government has title to or a possessory right in private use property, then:
(1) The property shall be subject to ad valorem taxes as if the private user held title to the property.
(2) The private user of the property shall be liable for construction related transaction taxes as if the private user held title to such property.
(3) The private user of the property shall be subject to the recording taxes for mortgages, deeds, and documents relating to the issuance or securing of obligations and the conveyance of title to property into and out of a public authority.
(b) A private user of property described in subsection (a) may apply for, and if the property constitutes industrial development property, be granted abatements of ad valorem, construction related transaction taxes, and mortgage and recording taxes as described in Sections 40-9B-1 through 40-9B-6.
(c) The rule of subsection (a)(1) shall not apply to ad valorem taxes if a private user was entitled to use the property pursuant to a lease or other agreement entered into before May 21, 1992, or would be entitled to use the property at some future time pursuant to inducement entered into or adopted before May 21, 1992, provided, however, that this subdivision shall apply only to the property and the amount of capital expenditures set out in such inducement, subject to de minimis deviations.
(d) The rule of subsection (a)(2) shall not apply to construction related transaction taxes if a private user was entitled to use the property pursuant to a lease or other agreement entered into before May 21, 1992, or would be entitled to use the property at some future time pursuant to inducement entered into or adopted before May 21, 1992, provided, however, that this subdivision shall apply only to the property and the amount of capital expenditures set out in such agreement, subject to de minimis deviations.
(e) The rule of subsection (a)(3) shall not apply to mortgage and recording taxes with respect to property if a private user was entitled to use the property pursuant to a lease or other agreement entered into before May 21, 1992, or would be entitled to use the property at some future time pursuant to inducement entered into or adopted before May 21, 1992, provided, however, that this subdivision shall apply only to the property specified in such agreement, subject to de minimis deviations.
(Acts 1992, No. 92-599, p. 1239, §7.)