The members of the academy shall elect among themselves an executive committee, which shall select a chairman and shall fix his or her term of office and shall conduct the affairs of the academy between annual meetings. The chairman shall preside over meetings, direct the business of the academy, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed or delegated by the executive committee. The executive committee shall appoint one of the members as secretary, who shall keep minutes of each meeting. The Department of Archives and History shall provide such administrative and clerical and other aid and assistance as may be necessary or appropriate for the academy. The costs of such assistance, which may include expenses for receptions or luncheons associated with the academy's annual induction ceremony, shall be paid by the Department of Archives and History from funds appropriated to it. Members of the academy shall not be entitled to remuneration for their services to the academy.
(Acts 1965, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 15, p. 219, §5; Act 2008-278, p. 535, §1.)