There is hereby created a Local Government Records Commission consisting of 12 members as follows: The Director of the Department of Archives and History, who shall be the chairman of the commission; the Chief Examiner of the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts; the Attorney General; the Secretary of State; one member from the University of Alabama, to be designated by the head of the department of history; one member from Auburn University, to be designated by the head of the department of history; one probate judge who is not a chairman of a county commission; two chairmen of county commissions who are not also probate judges; one county tax assessor and two city clerks, to be appointed by the Governor. The representatives of the University of Alabama and Auburn University, the probate judges, the two chairmen of county commissions, the tax assessors, and the two city clerks may be removed by the Governor at any time. No salary or compensation shall be allowed any member of the commission except expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, which expenses shall be paid pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 36. The commission shall hold regular quarterly meetings in January, April, July and October of each year and at other times upon the call of the chairman.
(Acts 1955, No. 565, p. 1226, §7; Acts 1987, No. 87-658, p. 1165, §1.)