(a) There is established a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Children First Trust Fund.
(b) The existence of the fund is contingent upon the receipt by the state of tobacco revenues.
(c) The fund shall consist of tobacco revenues and any appropriations or revenues received from any other source. The amounts provided for in Section 41-15B-2.1 shall be deposited into the fund from tobacco revenues with the remainder of the tobacco revenues being distributed as provided in Division 1, Article 17, Chapter 10 of this title.
(d) The council shall keep detailed permanent records of all expenditures and distributions from the fund and shall file a monthly written report of all transactions, and any other information requested, with the permanent Joint Legislative Oversight Committee of the Children First Trust Fund.
(e) The council shall prepare an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature detailing the expenditures and distributions from the fund and the success or failure of each program receiving monies from the fund. The council shall also make annual recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the distribution of monies based upon the annual report. The Commissioner of Children's Affairs shall assist the council in preparing the annual report by identifying any unmet needs relating to children throughout the state and suggesting how available resources could be applied toward those needs. The commissioner shall also assist the council by providing detailed information relating to the activities and accomplishments of the Children First Trust Fund toward meeting the needs of all children in the state and preparing a statement of goals of the fund for the next fiscal year.
(f) The council may employ personnel as needed to assist the council in carrying out the duties of administering these funds and preparing the reports.
(g) The council may accept and use monies available to it from all sources, including, but not limited to, grants, appropriations, gifts, donations, and other sources for purposes of implementing and administering this chapter. The proceeds of any gift, grant, or other donation may be specifically designated for use in one or more specific program area identified and described in the Children First Implementation Program.
(h) The council may not award or promise to award more monies than are available in the fund.
(i) Any conflicting prior law notwithstanding, the Governor, or the Attorney General with the consent of the Governor, shall file any litigation necessary to effectuate the compelling interest of the State of Alabama to recover tobacco-related damages incurred by the state or pursue any other legal cause of action in which the state has an interest.
The Governor may institute or participate in any civil litigation in which the state has an interest. When initiated by the Governor, such litigation shall be brought in the name of the Governor acting in his official capacity; when the Governor intervenes in existing litigation, he shall do so in the name of the Governor, also acting in his official capacity. In the unlikely event that the Attorney General fails or refuses to bring litigation requested by the Governor, the Governor may bring such litigation "on relation of" the state and shall appoint counsel for such litigation.
The Attorney General shall not settle any litigation involving any executive agency or department under the control of the Governor without the concurrence of the Governor.
The Attorney General has the authority to determine how litigation affecting the state is conducted. Therefore, in the appointment of attorneys to represent the state, the Attorney General has a duty to ensure that only qualified individuals and firms are appointed. The Governor has the authority to determine policies of the state. Therefore, in the appointment of attorneys to represent the state, the Governor has a duty to ensure that only individuals and firms that will advance the best interests of the state are appointed.
The Attorney General will appoint all deputy attorneys general who are to represent any department, agency, board, commission, or instrumentality of the state before any court or tribunal with the consent of the Governor, except for any full time deputy attorneys general. The Governor has the sole power to fix the rate of compensation for any such deputy attorney general, except for any full time deputy attorneys general. The Governor, either directly or through departmental heads who report directly to the Governor, shall have the sole power to hire outside lawyers for such executive departments for non-litigation work.
The Attorney General or his authorized representative shall have the power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and production papers or other materials or items necessary as evidence in connection with any criminal investigation being conducted by the office of the Attorney General. In case a person refuses to obey such subpoena, the Attorney General or his representatives may invoke the aid of any circuit court in order that the testimony or evidence be produced. Upon proper showing, the court shall issue a subpoena or order requiring such person to appear before the Attorney General or his representative and produce all evidence and give all testimony relating to the matter under investigation. A person failing to obey such order may be punished by the court as for contempt.
(j) No monies shall be withdrawn or expended from the fund for any purpose unless the monies have been appropriated by the Legislature and allocated pursuant to this chapter. Any monies appropriated shall be budgeted and allotted pursuant to the Budget Management Act in accordance with Article 4 (commencing with Section 41-4-80) of Chapter 4 of Title 41, and only in the amounts provided by the Legislature in the general appropriations act or other appropriations act for the purposes prescribed in this chapter and as allocated by Section 41-15B-2.2.
(k) Any monies remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year, except monies contributed from appropriations from other state funds, shall not revert to the General Fund or the Alabama Education Trust Fund and shall remain in the Children First Trust Fund.
(Act 98-382, p. 716, § 2; Act 99-390, p. 628, § 2.)