A transportation pool shall be maintained at a convenient location in the City of Montgomery by the state Department of Finance, Division of Service, for the purpose of providing necessary motor vehicle transportation for state officers and employees who do not have automobiles regularly assigned to them. It shall be the duty of the chief of the division of service to see that all pool cars are maintained in a clean, safe and efficiently operable condition. The chief of the division of service shall appoint a pool dispatcher and such other personnel as may be necessary to effectively operate the pool, who shall, upon request of a state agency head, provide the agency with the automobile as requested. Such pool car shall be loaned to an agency only for a single trip and shall not be assigned to any officer, employee or other person or agency on any basis other than a trip basis. The pool dispatcher shall keep the necessary maintenance and mileage records for each pool car, and the division of service shall charge state agencies a mileage fee for the use of pool cars.
Subject to approval by the Director of Finance, the chief of the division of service shall fix the mileage fee at an amount sufficient to pay only the cost of salaries of motor pool employees, operating expenses and maintaining and replacing pool cars. Based upon monthly mileage reports submitted by the pool dispatcher, the division of service shall render mileage fee bills monthly to state agencies for their use of pool cars. The mileage fee and charges collected shall be deposited to the credit of the revolving fund provided for in Section 41-17-5.
(Acts 1969, No. 471, p. 914, §3.)