It is the purpose of this chapter to establish a comprehensive system for budgeting and financial management which furthers the capacity of the Governor and the Legislature to plan and finance the services which they determine the state will provide for citizens. The system shall include procedures for all of the following:
(1) The orderly establishment, continuing review, and periodic revision of the program and financial goals and policies of the state.
(2) The development, coordination, and review of long-range program and financial plans that will implement established state goals and policies.
(3) The preparation, coordination, analysis, and enactment of a budget, organized to focus on state services and their costs, that authorizes the implementation of policies and plans in the succeeding budget period.
(4) The evaluation of alternatives to existing policies, plans, and procedures that offer potential for more efficient or effective state services.
(5) The regular appraisal and reporting of program performance.
To this end, each Governor shall develop a four-year strategic plan for presentation to the Legislature prior to the first day of the second regular legislative session in each term of office. The plan shall include program, long-range revenue and expenditure plans for the quadrennium, improvements in the state infrastructure requiring capital outlay, and recommended steps to reduce the cost of operation of state government. In addition, the plan shall include a pilot phase of implementation for performance-based budgeting with one or more state agencies. The Joint Fiscal Committee and the Governor shall jointly select state agencies to participate in said pilot phase for the 1996-97 fiscal year.
(Acts 1976, No. 494, p. 614, §2; Acts 1992, No. 92-185, p. 348, §2; Acts 1995, No. 95-531, p. 1076, §1.)