Except those sets of codes distributed to members of the Legislature and the Lieutenant Governor, the title to all of the sets of the annotated code, the distribution of which to officers and offices of the state and the several counties and municipalities thereof is provided for in this chapter, shall forever remain in the State of Alabama and said sets shall never become the personal property of any person or corporation, however long they shall have had possession thereof. Officers, employees and agents of the state and of the several counties thereof to whom a set of said annotated code is transmitted by the Secretary of State under the provisions of this chapter, upon the severance of their connection with their offices, employments or agencies, shall deliver over to their successors, if any, and, if there are no successors, to the Secretary of State, sets of the annotated code in their custody. Upon the failure of any officer, employee or agent to comply with the provisions of this section relative to the return of sets of annotated code in their custody, they and the sureties upon their official bonds, if any, shall be liable for the value of the sets or volumes thereof not returned as required by this section, to be recovered by action in the name of the state, commenced and prosecuted by the district attorney of the county of their respective residences in any court having jurisdiction of said action.
(Acts 1977, No. 352, p. 470, §5.)