(a) The following words, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them below, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) LAW ENFORCEMENT and CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Any activity pertaining to crime prevention, control or reduction or enforcement of the criminal law, including, but not limited to, police efforts to prevent, control or reduce crime or to apprehend criminals, activities of courts having criminal jurisdiction and related agencies (including prosecutorial and defender services), activities of corrections, probation or parole authorities and programs relating to the prevention, control or reduction of juvenile delinquency or alcoholism, narcotic and drug addiction.
(2) STATE. The State of Alabama and all political subdivisions thereof.
(3) UNIT OF GENERAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT or UNIT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Any city, county, township, town, borough, village or other general purpose political subdivision of the State of Alabama which performs law enforcement functions as determined by the United States Secretary of the Interior, or as may be otherwise defined by the Alabama Law Enforcement Planning Agency.
(4) COMBINATION. Such term, as applied to state agencies or departments or units of local government, means any grouping or joining together of such state agencies, departments or units for the purpose of preparing, developing or implementing a law enforcement plan.
(5) METROPOLITAN AREA. A standard metropolitan statistical area as established by the Bureau of the Budget of the United States, subject, however, to such modifications and extensions as the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration may determine to be appropriate from time to time.
(6) PUBLIC AGENCY. Any state agency or state department or unit of local government, combination of such state agencies, departments or units or any department, agency or instrumentality of any of the foregoing described state agencies, units or departments within the State of Alabama.
(7) JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION or FACILITY. Any place for the confinement or rehabilitation of juvenile offenders or individuals charged with or convicted of criminal offenses.
(8) COMPREHENSIVE. The plan must be a total and integrated analysis of the problems regarding the law enforcement and criminal justice system within the State of Alabama; goals, priorities and standards must be established in the plan and the plan must address methods, organization and operation performance, physical and human resources necessary to accomplish crime prevention, identification, detection and apprehension of suspects, adjudication, custodial treatment of suspects and offenders and institutional and noninstitutional rehabilitative measures.
(9) TREATMENT. Such term includes, but is not limited to, medical, educational, social, psychological and vocational services, corrective and preventive guidance and training and other rehabilitative services designed to protect the public and benefit the addict or other user by eliminating his dependence on addicting or other drugs or by controlling his dependence, his susceptibility to addiction or use.
(10) ACRONYMS. The acronyms as used herein are as follows:
a. ALEPA. The Alabama Law Enforcement Planning Agency.
b. LEAA. The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.
c. RPU. Regional Planning Unit.
(11) STATE BOARD. The Alabama Law Enforcement Planning Agency's State Supervisory Board.
(12) REGIONAL BOARDS. The regional advisory planning boards and the high crime commission's advisory board.
(13) SAFE STREETS ACT. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended.
(14) CENTRAL OFFICE. The ALEPA office in Montgomery, Alabama.
(Acts 1978, No. 820, p. 1195, §1-101.)