When a share or shares of real or personal property of any decedent is or are set apart or distributed to any widow, heir at law or distributee of such decedent, and it appears to the satisfaction of the court that it is to the interest of the parties interested in the estate that such share or shares should be kept and worked together with such estate remaining undivided, the probate court, upon the application of the executor or administrator, and of the owner or owners of such share or shares, may order the executor or administrator to keep such share or shares, and work the same, together with the estate remaining undivided, for a term not exceeding 10 years; but such order must not be granted, if in conflict with the will of the testator.
(Code 1867, §2264; Code 1876, §2604; Code 1886, §2212; Code 1896, §280; Code 1907, §2745; Code 1923, §5984; Code 1940, T. 61, §200.)