He must file with such report:
(1) A statement of all the goods and chattels, evidences of debt and other personal property, with the estimated value of each, and the amount of money belonging to such estate;
(2) A full statement of the real property of the deceased, or any interest therein, and estimated value thereof;
(3) A full statement of the claims against the estate which have come to his knowledge, the character and amount of each claim and the name and residence of each creditor, if known; and
(4) A full statement of the names and ages of all heirs or distributees and their places of residence.
(Code 1852, §1830; Code 1867, §2179; Code 1876, §2551; Code 1886, §2224; Code 1896, §292; Code 1907, §2757; Code 1923, §5996; Code 1940, T. 61, §383.)