(a) There is hereby created the Cleburne County Industrial Waste Committee to consist of: One member, appointed jointly by the county's four municipal governing bodies, for a term of four years; one member appointed by each member of the county commission from within the commissioner's district. Such appointments by the commissioners shall be on staggered terms with the member from district 1 appointed for one year, the member from district 2 appointed for two years, the member from district 3 appointed for three years and the member from district 4 appointed for four years. Thereafter their successors in office shall serve four-year terms and until their successors are appointed. The State Forestry Commission member from Cleburne County shall serve as an ex officio member and the county health officer shall serve ex officio and shall be the secretary of the committee. The members shall select a chairman and vice chairman from among its membership. All members shall serve without pay.
(b) The committee shall meet at the call of the chairman, vice chairman or at the request of three or more members, with notice as prescribed by the rules of the committee. Provided, however, that the organizational meeting of the committee shall be held within 30 days of October 1, 1981.
(c) The committee shall prescribe guidelines, not inconsistent with the general laws of this state, for the operation of industrial wastes within the county. It shall review all applications for the treating, depositing, dumping, or transporting such wastes within the county. It shall review all applications for industrial waste sites within the county, call public hearings therefor, and make its recommendation to the appropriate authority in the State Health Department.
(d) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to amend or repeal any general laws of this state relating to the regulation of hazardous or solid waste.
(Act 81-1036, p. 236, §§1-4.)