Applicants shall meet the following requirements in order for the county commission to consider rescission of a district designation:
(1) Notification of the county commission and the Baldwin County Historic Development Commission by registered mail or by personal presentation to the county commission in a regularly scheduled county commission meeting of the intent to submit an application for rescission of a district designation. Notification shall precede solicitation of the signatures on petitions which request rescission of the district designation.
(2) A percentage of district property owners not less than 70 percent shall petition the Baldwin County Commission for rescission of the designation.
(3) Copies of the application containing the information as required in this part must be received by the county commission and Baldwin County Historic Development Commission within the six-month period following receipt of the required notification from the applicant.
(4) If the completed application is not received by the county commission and Baldwin County Historic Development Commission within the prescribed six-month period, the issue will be considered dead and no application for rescission will be permitted within the following period of four years.
(Act 80-497, p. 769, §9.)