(a) A classified employee, other than appointed officials, shall have the right to appeal any disciplinary action taken against him or her. An employee on probationary status shall not have that right unless the employee had permanent status in some other position at the time of appointment to the probationary position. An employee, other than appointed officials, desiring to appeal any disciplinary action directed against him or her shall first exhaust any administrative remedy as provided by policy of the sheriff's personnel system. Upon exhausting any administrative remedy, the employee shall then file his or her appeal in writing with the personnel officer within seven calendar days of the last final administrative action on the disciplinary action, and shall request a hearing before the personnel appeals board. Within seven calendar days after the receipt of the appeal, the personnel officer shall file with the chair of the board and mail to the employee by certified mail a statement specifying the charges against the employee on which the disciplinary action was based. Upon the filing of the charges, the chair shall call a meeting of the board to be held within 30 days after the filing of charges to hear the appeal, and shall forthwith give notice by certified mail to the employee and the board of the time and place of the meeting. Notice must be given 10 days prior to the meeting. The board shall have the authority to continue the hearing from time to time as may be necessary. In preparing for and conducting the hearing, the chair and secretary of the board shall each have the power to administer oaths, to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents, and accounts pertaining to the grievance.
(b) Subpoenas issued as herein provided shall be served and the fees and allowances for the services thereof shall be the same as is provided by law for the service of subpoenas issued by the Circuit Court of Baldwin County. The fees and allowances in connection with the service of the subpoena issued at the request of the sheriff's office upon request of the board shall constitute reasonable and necessary expenses of the board. Any subpoena issued at the request of the employee shall be served as provided above, but only after the employee shall have deposited sufficient security with the sheriff or other recognized officer as will guarantee payment of the fees and allowances for the service. Any person failing to obey any summons by either of the officers of the board without good cause, to be determined by the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, may be punished by the court in the same method and manner as is provided by law for contempt of the court, and any person failing to obey any order or subpoena of the court, may be proceeded against by the court as is by law provided in the case of contempt of the court. In addition, any employee of the county who fails to obey any of the orders or subpoenas may be disciplined as provided in this subpart.
(c) At the hearing before the board, the employee and his or her department head or supervisor shall each have the right to be represented by counsel, with the sheriff's office authorized to employ legal counsel to represent the interest of the sheriff's office, the hearing shall be governed by rules of practice and procedure as shall be adopted by the board, and in conducting the hearing, the board shall not be bound by the technical rules of evidence. No informality of procedure in the conduct of the hearing shall invalidate any recommendation made by the board. At the conclusion of the hearing, and within five working days therefrom, the board shall recommend to the sheriff one of the following:
(1) That the disciplinary action taken against the employee be affirmed.
(2) That the disciplinary action be reversed and that the employee be reinstated with full back pay at the normal rate of pay that would have been in effect for the employee had he or she not been suspended without pay.
(3) That the disciplinary action be reduced and that the employee be reinstated either without or with pay for any time suspended without pay. The recommendation shall be in writing to the sheriff, and the sheriff shall act upon the recommendation within 10 working days of receipt of the recommendation and shall approve or disapprove of the action of the board, or may modify if the modification is less stringent than the action of the board, with the action becoming a matter of public record.
(Act 2002-463, p. 1205, §10.)