For the purposes of this subpart, the following words have the following meanings:
(1) GOVERNMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE. Any facilities, systems, or services that are owned and operated by or on behalf of a political subdivision for any of the following purposes:
a. Storm water, drainage, and flood control.
b. Roads and bridges.
c. Capital expenditures related to law enforcement and public safety, fire protection, emergency medical services, public park and recreational facilities, and public schools.
d. Maintenance and upkeep of facilities or resurfacing of roadways where needed because of the impact of new development.
(2) IMPACT FEE. A charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of governmental infrastructure necessitated by and attributable directly to the new development. The term includes the dedication of land for public parks or payments made in lieu of the dedication to serve park needs and includes amortized charges, lump-sum charges, capital recovery fees, contributions in aid of construction, and any other similar fee that functions as described by this definition. The term does not include any of the following:
a. Dedication of rights-of-way or easements or construction or dedication of on-site or off-site water distribution, wastewater collection or drainage facilities, or streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required or necessitated by and attributable to the new development.
b. Lot or acreage fees to be placed in trust funds for the purpose of reimbursing developers for oversizing or constructing water or sewer mains or lines.
c. Other pro rata fees for reimbursement of water or sewer mains or lines extended by the political subdivision.
(3) NEW DEVELOPMENT. The subdivision of land; the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the demands on governmental infrastructure.
(4) POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. A municipality or the county.
(5) ROADS AND BRIDGES. Any public highway, road, or bridge in the political subdivision, together with all necessary appurtenances. The term includes the political subdivision's share of costs for roadways and associated improvements designated on the federal or state highway system, including local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances, and rights-of-way.
(Act 2006-300, p. 622, §2; Act 2008-486, p. 1064, §1.)