In addition to all other fees and costs provided by law, a special transaction fee not exceeding three dollars ($3) shall be paid to the Barbour County Tax Collector or Revenue Commissioner when public business is transacted in the office of either county official. The tax assessor shall charge the additional special transaction fee not exceeding three dollars ($3) when a parcel of property is assessed for ad valorem taxes. The additional fee shall be collected by the tax collector or revenue commissioner when the ad valorem taxes are collected. Initially, the additional special transaction fee charged by the tax assessor, tax collector, or revenue commissioner shall be two dollars ($2). The additional fee may be increased to three dollars ($3) by resolution adopted by the Barbour County Commission calling for the increase. The special additional transaction fees shall be collected by the tax collector or revenue commissioner and deposited in the county general fund for appropriation for general county purposes.
(Act 92-267, p. 629, §1.)