(a) Members of the county Board of Education of Blount County, except the member serving from beat or precinct 36, serving on August 10, 1973, shall serve out the terms for which they have theretofore been elected. The Governor shall appoint a member of the board to fill the vacancy caused by the elimination of a member from beat or precinct 36 for the remainder of the term for which the member from the beat or precinct 36 had theretofore been elected. Their successors shall be elected as provided in this section.
(b) For the purpose of the nomination and election of members of the county board of education, that part of Blount County lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Oneonta is redivided into five districts having the following beats and boundaries as established on May 7, 1992:
(1) DISTRICT I: Mount High, Smoke Rise, Blount Springs, Hayden, Bangor/Sugar Creek, and Nectar.
(2) DISTRICT II: Blountsville, Summit, and Royal.
(3) DISTRICT III: Murphrees Valley, Susan Moore, Brooksville, and Snead.
(4) DISTRICT IV: Rosa, Cleveland, Locust Fork, and Dallas/Selfville.
(5) DISTRICT V: Remlap, Pine Mountain, Allgood, Holly Springs, and Straight Mountain.
(c)(1) One member of the county board of education of Blount County shall reside in and be a qualified elector of each of the several above described districts; and one of such members shall be nominated by the qualified electors of each of the several districts, such member being nominated by the qualified electors of the district he or she resides in and represents. All members of the board shall be elected by the qualified electors of all the county, except that part lying within the corporate limits of the City of Oneonta. Such members shall be elected as follows: Successors to the member appointed to serve out the term of the member from Beat 36 of Blount County on August 10, 1973, shall be nominated by the qualified electors of district number five as hereinabove described and successors to the member serving from district number four of Blount County exclusive of Beat 36, on August 10, 1973, shall be nominated by the qualified electors of district number four as hereinabove described. They shall be elected at the general election in 1974 and each six years thereafter.
(2) Successors to the members serving from districts numbers one and two on August 10, 1973, shall be nominated by the qualified electors of districts numbers one and two, respectively, as hereinabove described. They shall be elected at the general election in 1976 and each six years thereafter.
(3) Successors to the member serving from district number three on August 10, 1973, shall be nominated by the qualified electors of district number three as hereinabove described; and shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and each six years thereafter.
(4) The nomination of members of the board shall be made in the year such members, respectively, shall be elected.
(d) The members of the Board of Education of Blount County shall possess all the qualifications required by the constitution and general laws of the State of Alabama for members of county boards of education, and in addition thereto, each member must be a resident citizen and qualified elector of the designated district for which he or she is nominated and elected.
(Acts 1973, No. 316, p. 445, §§1-4; Act 92-369, p. 769, §1.)