(a) This section shall apply only in Blount County, Alabama.
(b) As used in this section, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
(1) "County" means Blount County;
(2) "Municipality" means any municipality in Blount County;
(3) "Employee" means any person, including law enforcement officers, not excepted by subsection (c), who is employed in the service of Blount County or any municipality of Blount County or any board, agency, or instrumentality thereof;
(4) "Merit employee" means any such employee who shall have completed one year of probationary employment;
(5) "Board" means the merit system board created by this section;
(6) "Appointment authority" means in the case of employees in the offices of the elected officials of the county or of a municipality, such elected officials, and means, in the case of all other county or municipal employees, the county or municipal governing body, or the board or other agency supervising their work.
(c) The provisions of this section shall apply to all officials and employees in the service of the county or any board, agency, or instrumentality thereof except: (1) persons holding elective offices; (2) members of appointive boards, commissions, and committees; (3) all employees of the county board of education in a teaching or administrative position; (4) independent contractors; and (5) any person whose employment is subject to the approval of the United States government or any agency thereof; (6) the chief deputy sheriff and chief clerk in the sheriff's department; and (7) the chief of police of any municipality.
(d) All employees to whom the provisions of this section apply shall be governed by merit system rules and regulations prescribed in or promulgated pursuant to this section, administered by the merit system board, the creation of which is provided for in subsection (e). Present employees shall remain in their respective employments during good behavior; but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent or preclude the removal of such an employee for cause in the manner hereinafter provided; and such employees shall be subject fully to this section.
(e)(1) There is hereby created the Merit System Board of Blount County, Alabama, which shall become effective within 60 days of its passage by the majority vote of the people of Blount County and shall be composed of five members;
a. One member shall be appointed by the Blount County Commission and one member by the municipalities of the county.
b. One member shall be appointed by Blount County Lodge No. 28 of the Fraternal Order of Police, and one member by all other county employees.
c. One member shall be appointed jointly by paragraph a. and b.
(2) Original appointees shall serve for terms of one, two, and four years, assignment of terms to be determined by drawing lots. Thereafter, all appointees shall serve for a period of four years. No person shall be appointed to the board unless he or she is a resident and qualified elector of Blount County and over the age of 21 years.
(3) Members of the board shall take the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed in the office of the probate judge. Vacancies on the board shall be filled for the unexpired term of the vacant position in the same manner as original appointments. The members of the board shall elect a chairman and secretary from among their members. Any member of the board who becomes a candidate for, or is elected or appointed to another public office of profit must vacate his or her office as a member of the board. All board members cannot be an elected official, appointed employee, or employee of the municipal or county government.
(f) Each member of the board shall serve without compensation.
(g) The board shall fix the times for its regular meetings; and it may hold special, adjourned, or called meetings at any time. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All meetings of the board shall be held in the Blount County Courthouse. The board may prescribe rules governing its procedure provided such rules are not inconsistent with this section.
(h) The county governing body shall provide the board with secretarial help when needed during meetings and shall assign an area from time to time for the meetings. Also, material needed for meetings and storage space and/or filing cabinets. The compensation and all expenses of the board arising under the provisions hereof shall be paid from the funds of the county on the order of the board in the same manner as other expenses are paid.
(i) The board shall keep minutes of its meetings and a record of all business transacted by it. Its records, except those which the rules of the board require to be held confidential for reasons of public policy, shall be open for inspection by any resident of the county at all reasonable times.
(j) All appointments, other than temporary appointments, shall be probationary for one year from the date of appointment. A probationary employee may be discharged by the sheriff or a governmental entity at their pleasure at any time before the expiration of one year from his or her appointment. After he or she shall have served for one year in the position to which he or she was appointed or employed, such employee shall become a merit employee.
(k) The appointing authority shall have authority to suspend without pay a merit employee for any personal misconduct, or fact, affecting or concerning his or her fitness or ability to perform his or her duties in the public interest. In the event a merit employee is suspended without pay for more than 30 days in any one year, he or she shall be entitled to a public hearing by the board upon written demand filed within five days from the date of the order of suspension. If, after hearing, the board determines that the action of the appointing authority was not with good cause, the suspension shall be revoked.
(l)(1) The governing body of the county or a municipality, any member of such a governing body, or the head of any department or office can remove, discharge, or demote any merit employee who is directly under such governing body, member thereof, or department head, provided that within five days a report in writing of such action is made to the board, giving the reason for such removal, discharge, or demotion. The employee shall have 10 days from the time of notification of his or her removal, discharge, or demotion in which to appeal to the board. If such appeal is filed, the board shall thereupon order the charges or complaint to be filed forthwith in writing, if not already filed, and shall hold a hearing de novo on such charges. No merit employee shall be removed, discharged, or demoted except for some personal misconduct, or fact, rendering his or her further tenure harmful to the public interest, or for some cause affecting or concerning his or her fitness or ability; and if such removal, discharge or demotion is appealed to the board, then the same will become final only upon affirmation by the board after a hearing upon written charges or complaint has been had and after an opportunity has been given such employee to face his or her accusers and be heard in his or her own defense. Pending a hearing on the appeal, the affected employee may be suspended; and after such hearing the board may order the employee reinstated, demoted, removed, discharged, or suspended, or take such other disciplinary action as in their judgment is warranted by the evidence and under the law. In all cases, the decision of the board shall be reduced to writing and entered in the record of the case and shall include the board's finding of facts upon which its decision is based.
The board shall have the power to administer oaths, take depositions, certify official acts, and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and production of papers necessary as evidence in connection with any hearing, investigation, or proceeding within the purview of this section. The sheriff or some other law enforcement officer of the county shall serve all processes of the board. In case a person refuses to obey such subpoena, the board may invoke the aid of the Circuit Court of Blount County, Alabama, in order that the testimony or evidence be produced. Upon proper showing, such court shall issue a subpoena or order requiring the person to appear before the board and produce all evidence and give all testimony relating to the matter in issue. A person who fails to obey such subpoena or order may be punished by the court as for contempt. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as fees for witnesses in the Circuit Court of Blount County, Alabama, which fees shall be paid from the treasury of the county in a case involving an employee of the sheriff's department or from the treasury of the city, municipality, or town in a case involving an employee of the city, municipality, or town police department.
(2) In all proceedings before the board, the county attorney of Blount County or the attorney for the appointing authority that is removing, discharging, demoting, or firing the employee shall appear before the board and prosecute all charges instituted by the sheriff or the governmental entity when requested or directed to do so and give any legal advise and legal assistance to the board as may be requested of it.
(3) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the board may appeal such decision to the Circuit Court of Blount County within 30 days from the rendition of such decision by the board. Review by the circuit court shall be without a jury and be confined to the record, and a determination of the questions of law presented; the board's findings of fact shall be final and conclusive.
(m) No employee shall make, solicit, or receive any assessment, donation, subscription, or contribution for any political purpose whatsoever, or be a member of a committee or an officer of a political party, or take any part in its management or affairs except to exercise his or her right as a citizen to express his or her opinion and cast his or her vote; no employee shall assist any candidate for nomination or election to public office, or make any public statement in support of or against any such candidate, or participate in general or primary election; and no employee shall receive any appointment or advancement as a reward for his or her support of a candidate for office or a political party; nor shall he or she be dismissed, suspended, or reduced in rank or pay as punishment for his or her failure to support any candidate for political office.
(n) Any merit employee who willfully violates any of the provisions of this section, or any rule or regulation issued in pursuance hereof, shall be dismissed from service under the system and shall not be appointed or re-employed for two years.
(o) All employees to which this section applies must be covered by the merit system by May 1, 1979.
(Acts 1978, No. 648, p. 916, §§2-16; Act 89-398, p. 779, §1.)