(a) In Blount County, the district attorney for the Forty-first Judicial Circuit may appoint, with the concurrence of the county governing body, an investigator for the office who shall serve at the pleasure of the district attorney. The investigator shall be responsible to the district attorney and shall perform all duties assigned by the district attorney.
(b) The investigator authorized by this section shall have the same authority and powers vested in deputy sheriffs and all other law enforcement officers of this state, including the power of arrest, and in addition thereto, he or she may administer oaths and take testimony.
(c) Compensation of the investigator shall be a minimum of twenty-two thousand dollars ($22,000) per year. The salary shall be set by the district attorney with the approval of the county commission and shall be paid from any funds available for the operation of the office of the district attorney.
(d) Equipment and supplies for the investigator and other expenses of the investigator shall be paid for in the same manner as paid for other employees in the office of the district attorney.
(Act 2007-254, p. 341, §1.)