Every association shall set up and maintain the reserve required by and may set up and maintain such additional reserves as are permitted by this chapter. On the semiannual closing dates after payment of or provisions for all expenses, each association shall, before the declaration of a dividend for the semiannual period, transfer to a separate reserve account, which shall be set up and maintained for the sole purpose of absorbing losses, termed in this chapter "general reserve," an amount equal to five percent of its net earnings until such general reserve is equal to 10 percent of its capital. If and whenever the general reserve is not equal to 10 percent of its capital, semiannual credits as above provided shall again be made to the general reserve until it shall again be equal to 10 percent of its capital. With the approval of the commissioner, the board of directors may make additional transfers to other reserve accounts. If an association adopts a bonus plan or plans, it shall maintain the required bonus reserve. Interest receivable on all loans shall be accrued monthly, and an interest due and accrued account shall be maintained equivalent to all accrued and uncollected interest. The books and records of every association shall reflect all accrued liabilities.
(Acts 1939, No. 459, p. 616; Code 1940, T. 5, §223.)