(a) The name of every association shall include the words "Savings and Loan Association." These words shall be preceded by an appropriate descriptive word or words approved by the board. An ordinal number may not be used as a single descriptive word preceding the words "Savings and Loan Association," unless such words are followed by the words "of …," the blank being filled by the name of the town, city or county in which the association has its home office. An ordinal number may be used together with another descriptive word preceding the words "Savings and Loan Association," provided the other descriptive word has not been used in the corporate name of any other association in the state, in which case the suffix mentioned above is not required to be used. An ordinal number may be used together with another descriptive word preceding the words "Savings and Loan Association" even when such other descriptive word has been used in the corporate name of an association in the state, provided the suffix "of …," as provided above, is also used. The suffix provided above may be used in any corporate name. The use of the words, "National," "Federal" or "United States," separately or in any combination thereof with other words or syllables, is prohibited as part of the corporate name of an association. No certificate of incorporation of a proposed association having the same name as a corporation authorized to do business under the laws of this state or a name so nearly resembling it as to be calculated to deceive shall be issued by the commissioner, except an association formed by the reincorporation, reorganization or consolidation of other associations or upon the sale of the property or franchises of an association. An association acquiring or becoming possessed of all the estate, property, rights, privileges and franchises of any other association or associations by merger may have the same name as the association or one of the associations to whose franchises it succeeded.
(b) Without the prior approval of the commissioner, as provided in Section 5-16-11, no association shall establish any office other than its home office which shall be in the city and county named in the certificate of incorporation.
(c) The name or the location of the home office of any association fixed in the certificate of incorporation may be changed in the following manner: The proposed new name or the new location of the home office of the association shall be approved by a resolution adopted by a majority of the entire board of directors.
(d) Immediately preceding application to the commissioner for approval, notice of intention to change the name or the location of the home office, signed by two officers, shall be published, once a week for two successive weeks, in a newspaper printed in the English language of general circulation in the county in which the home office is located, and a copy of such notice shall be displayed during such consecutive two-week period in a conspicuous place in the home office of the association.
(e) Five copies of an application to the commissioner for approval shall be signed and acknowledged, before an officer competent to take acknowledgments of deeds, by two officers of the association and filed with the commissioner. Upon approval, the commissioner shall endorse on each copy of the application therefor a certificate of approval thereof. Upon such approval, the name of such association shall be immediately changed. Upon approval of an application for change of location of the home office of an association, the commissioner shall endorse on each copy of such application a certificate of approval, as provided in Section 5-16-10.
(f) When the commissioner shall have endorsed such an approval upon the copies of an application for approval of change of name or change of location of home office, he shall file one copy thereof with the Secretary of State, two copies with the Federal Home Loan Bank of which the association is a member, return one copy to the applicant association and retain the original copy of the application in the permanent files of his office.
(Acts 1939, No. 459, p. 616; Code 1940, T. 5, §216.)