Loans are made subject to the conditions contained in the bylaws. A borrower may repay his loan in whole or in part any day the office of the credit union is open for business.
Provided that loans to directors, officers or members of a committee are not prohibited in the bylaws, it shall be the duty of the board of directors to establish a written policy concerning loans to a director, officer or member of a committee. If it is the policy of the credit union to make directors, officers and members of a committee eligible for loans, such loans will be made under the same terms, conditions and rules as similar loans to other members. In no case may the credit committee make a loan to a director, officer or member of a committee under the terms more favorable than the terms of similar loans to other members. The credit committee shall at least monthly submit to the board of directors a listing of all loans made to directors, officers and credit committee members.
Unless it is the policy of the credit union to make loans to directors, officers and members of a committee:
(1) No such person may borrow or guarantee any loan from that credit union in an amount in excess of his shares and deposits in that credit union; and
(2) No loan or endorsement made more than 90 days prior to his election shall prohibit any person from being elected as a director, officer or member of a committee, but a new or additional loan or guaranty in excess of such person's shares and deposits shall not be made after such person's election and during his term of office; and
(3) Any person who has, less than 90 days prior to election, borrowed or guaranteed loans from the credit union in excess of his shares and deposits shall, within 15 days after his election, fully pay or secure such loans with shares and deposits, including any shares and deposits held by such person.
(Acts 1927, No. 597, p. 696; Code 1940, T. 28, §295; Acts 1971, No. 2300, p. 3711; Acts 1975, No. 561, p. 1267, §8; Acts 1978, No. 469, p. 492, §9.)