(a) Other business in same office. - No licensee shall conduct the business of making loans under this chapter within any office, suite, room or place of business in which any other business is solicited or engaged in or in association or conjunction with any other business until three days' written notice of an intention so to do has been given the supervisor. Upon receipt of written notification, the supervisor may investigate the facts and, if he finds that the character of the licensee and the nature of the other business warrant belief that such conduct of business would conceal violation or evasion of this chapter or of regulations lawfully made hereunder, he shall enter an order directing the licensee to discontinue said other business. The order shall be entered in the manner specified in and subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of Section 5-18-6.
(b) Business confined to licensed office. - No licensee shall conduct the business of making loans provided for by this chapter under any name or at any place of business within this state other than that stated in the license. Nothing in this section shall prevent the making of loans by mail nor prohibit accommodations to individual borrowers when necessitated by sickness or other emergency situations.
(c) Liens on real estate. - No licensee shall take a lien upon real estate as security for any loan made under this chapter, except such lien as is created by law through the entry or recording of a judgment.
(Acts 1959, No. 374, p. 966, §13.)