Licensees may charge to a borrower the rates permitted by this chapter only on principal loan balances less than one thousand dollars ($1,000). No licensee shall induce or permit any person, jointly or severally, to become obligated directly or contingently, or both, on more than one loan made pursuant to this chapter at the same time for the purpose of obtaining a higher finance charge than would otherwise be permitted by Section 5-18-15. If a licensee makes a loan of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more, the charges authorized by this chapter shall not apply to any part of the loan. The rates on the entire amount of a loan of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Chapter 8 of Title 8 or Chapter 19 of this title. The supervisor may suspend or revoke the license of any licensee who violates this section in the manner prescribed by Section 5-18-9, and the penalties provided for in subsection (l) of Section 5-18-15 shall apply to any person, firm or corporation violating this section.
(Acts 1959, No. 374, p. 966, §16 1/2 ; Acts 1979, No. 79-327, p. 490, §1; Act 2002-305, p. 863, §1.)