(a) Upon the filing of an application in the form prescribed by the supervisor, accompanied by the fee and documents required pursuant to Section 5-18A-6, the supervisor shall investigate to ascertain whether the qualifications prescribed by Section 5-18A-4 have been satisfied. If the supervisor finds that the qualifications have been satisfied, and approves the documents, the supervisor shall issue to the applicant a license to engage in deferred presentment services business in Alabama. A request shall be either granted or denied within 90 days of receipt. If permission is denied, the applicant for licensure shall have the right to an administrative hearing within 60 days of the denial, if requested, and the right to appeal pursuant to rules promulgated by the supervisor.
(b) The license shall be kept conspicuously posted in the place of business of the licensee and shall not be assignable or transferable or removed to another location without permission of the supervisor.
(c) The annual license fee required in subdivision (1) of Section 5-18A-6 for each office, branch, or place of business of the licensee shall be due on January 1 of each year and shall be valid for a one-year period ending the following December 31. License fees shall be delinquent on February 1 of each year and there shall be a penalty of 10 percent for each month or portion thereof that the licensee is delinquent in the payment of a license fee. All license fees and investigation fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into the special fund created pursuant to Section 5-2A-20, and shall be used in the supervision and examination of licensees.
(d) A licensee may voluntarily surrender its license to the supervisor; however, the licensee shall not be entitled to receive a refund of any license fees previously paid. Upon surrender of a license, the licensee shall immediately make available to the supervisor all books, records, and papers required to be created and maintained pursuant to this chapter or rule or regulation promulgated hereunder.
(Act 2003-359, p. 992, §7.)