No bank may pledge assets as security for deposits, except any bank is authorized to pledge acceptable assets as security for deposits of trust funds deposited by its trust department and of public funds, heretofore or hereafter deposited, by the United States or any agency or governmental instrumentality of the United States or by a state or any political subdivision of a state or any agency or other governmental instrumentality of such subdivision, including any county, municipal corporation, county, city, or other public board of education, including any custodian or treasurer of county, city, or other public school funds, any improvement authority heretofore or hereafter incorporated or any public corporation, including each board, authority, or district heretofore or hereafter organized or created in a state pursuant to authorization or determination by any municipality or municipalities or by any county or counties or the governing body of any one or more thereof. For purposes of this section, banks may only pledge assets to secure deposits of Alabama public entities that are defined as covered public entities or covered public officials under Section 41-14A-2. The word "deposits," as used in this section, means deposits of all kinds, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, deposits in savings accounts, deposits in checking accounts, deposits in special trust funds, demand deposits, special deposits, time deposits on which interest is to be paid, and deposits for which a bank has issued its certificates of deposit.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-658, p. 1259, §5-5-28; Acts 1988, No. 88-260, p. 401; Act 2007-224, p. 284, §1.)