The following words and phrases when used in this division shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATION. Any group, whether incorporated or unincorporated, affiliated with or organized for the benefit of one or more communities or neighborhoods containing an alleged drug-related nuisance, or any group organized to improve the quality of life in a residential area containing the alleged drug-related nuisance.
(2) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ACTS. The provisions of Sections 20-2-1 et seq., known as the "Alabama Uniform Controlled Substance Act," and Sections 13A-12-201 et seq., known as "The Drug Predator Control Act of 1987," and Sections 13A-12-210 et seq., known as "The Drug Crimes Amendments Act of 1987."
a. Any property, in whole or in part, used or intended to be used to facilitate any violation of the controlled substance acts or any similar ordinance of any municipality in this state or a similar act of the United States or any other state.
b. The use, sale, distribution, possession, storage, transportation, or manufacture of any controlled substances in violation of the controlled substance acts, or similar act of the United States or any other state.
c. Drug-related nuisance includes, but is not limited to, conduct unlawful in itself or unreasonable under the circumstances, knowingly or recklessly creating or maintaining a condition which endangers the safety or health of persons not occupying the property alleged to be a drug-related nuisance, and knowingly or recklessly conducting or maintaining any premises or place where persons gather for purposes of engaging in drug-related activities. For purposes of this definition, "knowingly" means either actual awareness or should have reasonably known.
(4) MANUFACTURING. The production, preparation, propagation, compounding, conversion, or processing of a controlled substance, either directly or indirectly, by extraction from substances of natural origin or independent means of chemical synthesis, including any packaging or repackaging of the drug or labeling or relabeling of its container.
(5) OWNER. An individual, corporation, partnership, trust association, joint venture, or any other business entity, and the respective agents of the individuals or entities, in whom is vested all or any part of the title to the property alleged to be a drug-related nuisance.
(6) PROPERTY. Tangible real property, or an interest in real property, including an interest in any leasehold, license, or real estate, including any house, apartment building, condominium, cooperative, office building, store, restaurant, tavern, nightclub, or warehouse, and the land extending to the boundaries of the lot upon which the structure is situated, and anything growing on, affixed to, or found on the land.
(7) PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. The Attorney General, district attorney, or county, municipal, or private attorney bringing a drug-related nuisance action.
(8) TENANT. A person who resides in or occupies property belonging to another person pursuant to a lease agreement, or pursuant to a tenancy under the common law.
(Acts 1996, No. 96-566, p. 849, §2.)