(a) No newspaper may charge more than its then current published commercial classified rates. When any matter or material is required to be published in tabular form, the rate to be charged and paid shall not exceed the nationally published rate.
(b) The rates established in this section shall apply to any and all legal notices, advertisements, publications, statements, or other matter of whatever kind or character required by the Constitution of Alabama, by general, local, or special law or by rules or orders of courts to be published in newspapers in this state, whether the agency required to cause the publication to be made is an individual, officer, municipality, county, the state, governmental subdivision, or any other legal entity; provided, that rates established in this section shall not apply when a local law prescribes a different rate, in which event said local law shall be applicable.
(Code 1876, §3975; Code 1886, §666; Code 1896, §3045; Code 1907, §5186; Code 1923, §9262; Code 1940, T. 7, §§718-718(2); Acts 1951, No. 723, p. 1275; Acts 1953, No. 793, p. 1086, §§1, 2; Acts 1965, No. 464, p. 664; Acts 1965, No. 465, p. 664; Acts 1971, No. 1141, p. 1964; Acts 1976, No. 306, p. 339; Acts 1985, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 85-882, p. 138, §1.)