The use by any person or corporation, other than the person or corporation whose name, mark, or device may be, or may have been, upon the same, without the written consent of, or purchase from, the owner of any bottle, box, siphon, fountain, or keg, a description of the name, mark, or device whereon shall have been filed and published as provided in Section 8-12-20, for the sale of soda water, mineral, or aerated water, ginger ale, milk, cream, beer, ale, or other beverages, any article of merchandise, medicines, compounds, or preparations, or for the furnishing of such similar beverages to customers or the buying, selling, using, disposing of, or trafficking in any such bottles, boxes, siphons, fountains, or kegs by any person or corporation other than the person or corporation owning the name, mark, or device thereon of such owner, without his written consent, or the having by any junk dealer, or dealer in secondhand articles, possession of any such bottles, siphons, boxes, fountains, or kegs without the written consent of the owner, shall be presumptive evidence of the unlawful use or purchase of or traffic in such bottles, boxes, siphons, fountains, or kegs.
(Code 1896, §5569; Code 1907, §7320; Code 1923, §4901; Code 1940, T. 57, §91.)