(a) Any person engaged in the business of weighing for hire who shall weigh or measure any commodity, produce or article and issue therefor a weight certificate which shall be accepted as the accurate weight upon which the purchase or sale of such commodity, produce or article is based shall be known as a public weighmaster. All public weighmasters shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries.
(b) Persons not engaged in the business of weighing for hire, but to whom the services of a certified weigher are necessary for the proper conduct of any business in which they may be engaged, may, upon application to the commissioner, have one or more of their employees, or some other suitable person, designated by the commissioner to act as weighmaster for such persons.
(c) Each weighmaster shall make oath faithfully to execute his trust as a weighmaster before entering upon his duties.
(d) The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall issue a certificate of such appointment or designation and shall keep a record of the same.
(Ag. Code 1927, §256; Code 1940, T. 2, §621.)