In addition to the powers provided in the above Section 9-14A-6, the Alabama Public Historical Sites and Parks Improvement Corporation shall have the following powers:
(a) To acquire, provide, construct, improve, renovate, equip, and maintain public historical sites and public historical parks not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(b) To acquire by purchase, gift, or the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or any other lawful means, and to transfer, convey or cause to be conveyed to the state, any real, personal or mixed property necessary or convenient in connection with the acquiring, providing, constructing, improving, renovating, equipping and maintenance of public historical sites and public historical parks not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(c) To enter into contracts with municipalities, counties, the Alabama Historical Commission or other agencies or political subdivisions of the state or any other state, private persons, firms, corporations and any branch of the federal government, in furtherance of its public purposes and objects either relative to work done or to be done.
(d) To institute public-private initiative to promote and encourage private, non-profit, and corporate contributions to further the restoration and improvement of the Alabama public historical sites and parks.
(Act 2000-708, p. 1487, § 8.)