(a) The board may issue permits to any person, who is a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States, is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government, to engage in or continue the business of selling, distributing, storing, or transporting liquefied petroleum gases and to engage in or continue the business of selling, installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, or systems or to perform magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers, cargo tanks, motor fuel containers, and cylinders in the State of Alabama; and to prescribe the requirements of any person to obtain the permits. The board may revoke any permit issued, for cause, in the opinion of the board.
(b) The permits shall be of 10 types:
(1) PERMIT A. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of selling, distributing, storing, or transporting liquefied petroleum gases and to engage in or continue the business of selling, installing, servicing, repairing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, or systems at retail or installing, repairing, servicing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum carburetion equipment, or to perform magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers, cargo tanks, motor fuel containers, and cylinders. Before any person engages in or continues the business of selling, distributing, storing, or transporting liquefied petroleum gases, except where the liquefied petroleum gas so handled is in quantities of less than one gallon U.S. water capacity and is an integral part of a device for its utilization, or before any person engages in the business of selling, installing, servicing, removing, repairing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, or systems at retail or installing, repairing, servicing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum carburetion equipment, or to perform magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers, cargo tanks, motor fuel containers, and cylinders in the State of Alabama, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit A and shall execute and file with the board the insurance and a surety in cash as herein required.
The board shall require every applicant for Permit A to present evidence to the board that the applicant has a bona fide contract or a letter of intent to sell, from a reputable supplier of liquefied petroleum gas for an amount of the gases sufficient to supply the customers the applicant has estimated that will be served. In addition to the requirement of possessing a Class A permit, persons doing business as or in a name other than the name listed on the Class A permit shall be required to have a separate Class B-1 permit unless the person doing business as or in another name has a separate Class A permit for each business.
(2) PERMIT B. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of transporting, storing, distributing, and/or selling liquefied petroleum gas at wholesale or in unit quantities of 5,000 gallons or more at retail to end users or act as wholesale distributors, suppliers, or agents thereof or act as a consignor or shipper that delivers or causes LP-gas to be delivered in the State of Alabama. Before any person engages in or continues the business of transporting, storing, distributing, and/or selling liquefied petroleum gas at wholesale in any quantity to retailers or retail to end users in unit quantities of 5,000 gallons or more or to other wholesaler distributors, suppliers, or agents thereof in the State of Alabama and not being a holder of a Permit A, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit B and shall execute and file the insurance and surety in cash as required herein, except that those wholesale distributors, suppliers, consignors, shippers, or agents thereof who only sell liquefied petroleum gas at wholesale and transport no gas in the state shall not be required to file a motor vehicle or general liability certificate of insurance with the board. Class B permit holders shall keep records and shall report monthly, and at all other times as the board shall deem necessary, all sales of liquefied petroleum gas made to retailers, end users, and to other wholesale distributors, suppliers, or agents in this state. Failure to make timely reports and pay required fees shall cause interest and penalties to be assessed as described in Section 9-17-109. Any person possessing a valid Class A permit shall not be required to obtain a Class B permit.
(3) PERMIT B-1. Shall give the holder a right to operate an individual branch, division, or subdivision or to act as an agent of a Class A permit holder to engage in or continue the business of selling, storing, or transporting liquefied petroleum gases at retail and to engage in or continue the business of selling, installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, or systems at retail or to install, repair, remove, service, or adjust liquefied petroleum carburetion equipment, or to perform magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied or petroleum gas storage containers and cylinders. Authorized agents of Class B-1 permit holders who only operate off-premises cylinder filling stations shall not be required to obtain a Class B-1 permit.
The board or the board administrator may authorize any person to act as an agent of a Class A or B-1 permit holder to install, service, repair, adjust, or inspect liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, and systems without obtaining a Class B-1 permit; provided that the authorized agents have completed the board's certification requirements and the permit holder has provided the board with proof that the agents have met the insurance and surety, in cash, consistent with the requirements of this section. The authorized agents shall not be required to meet the storage requirements of Section 9-17-107.
Before any person engages in or continues in the operation of an individual branch, division, or subdivision or acts as an agent of a valid Class A permit holder to sell, store, or transport liquefied petroleum gas and to sell, install, service, repair, or adjust liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks and systems at retail, or to install, repair, service, remove, or adjust liquefied petroleum carburetion equipment, or to perform magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers, cargo tanks, motor fuel containers and cylinders, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit B-1, meet the minimum storage requirements set out in Section 9-17-107, and shall execute and file with the board the insurance and surety in cash as herein required. Branches that were in operation when this article became law shall not be required to meet the storage requirement of Section 9-17-107. A Class B-1 permit holder shall not be required to file or maintain separate or additional insurance or surety in cash as specified by this section provided that the Class B-1 permit holder is included in the parent company's Class A permit insurance and surety in cash on file with the board.
(4) PERMIT C. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas piping and installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas appliances on the down stream side of the tank outlet valves only. Before any person engages in or continues the business of installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas piping, and installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas appliances on the down stream side of the tank outlet valves only, and not being a holder of a Permit A and B-1, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit C and execute and file with the board the insurance and a surety in cash as herein required. A separate permit shall be required for each business location.
(5) PERMIT C-1. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting any liquefied petroleum gas motor fuel carburetion equipment, the repair of appurtenances on motor fuel containers, cylinders, or carburetion components. Before any person engages in or continues the business of installing, servicing, repairing, removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas motor fuel carburetion equipment, the repair of appurtenances on motor fuel containers, cylinders, or carburetion components in the State of Alabama, the person shall execute with the board the insurance and surety in cash herein required. A or B-1 permit holders shall not be required to obtain a Permit C-1. A separate permit shall be required for each business location.
(6) PERMIT C-2. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of performing magnetic, hydrostatic, visual or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers, cargo tanks, motor fuel containers and cylinders. Before any person engages in or continues the business of performing magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspection of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers, cargo tanks, motor fuel containers, and cylinders in the State of Alabama and not being a holder of a Permit A or B-1 the person shall obtain a Class C-2 Permit and execute with the board the insurance and surety in cash herein required. A separate permit shall be required for each business location.
(7) PERMIT D. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of installing and/or repairing, or removal, of bulk storage systems of 5,000 gallons water capacity or more in single containers or in an aggregate of 5,000 gallons water capacity of a multi-container installation only. Before any person engages in or continues the business of installing bulk storage systems of 5,000 gallons water capacity or more in single containers or in a multi-container installation of an aggregate of 5,000 gallons water capacity, in the State of Alabama and not being a holder of a Permit A, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit D and shall execute and file with the board the insurance and surety in cash as herein required.
The board shall require holders of a Permit D to submit plans for any proposed installation of any liquefied petroleum gas storage facility they are planning to install that is authorized under the terms of their permit. They shall obtain approval for the location and for the plans from the administrator of the board before construction is begun. All facilities shall be constructed according to rules and regulations of the board and the completed unit shall have board approval before being used. A minimum fee of two hundred dollars ($200) shall be paid to the board at the time the plans for each facility are presented for approval. This fee of two hundred dollars ($200) will cover examination of the plans and one site inspection. An additional fee of fifty dollars ($50) for each inspection trip to the site that is required shall be paid to the board before final approval is given for the facility to be used. These fees may be changed by action of the board.
(8) PERMIT E. Shall give the holder a right to engage in or continue the business of calibration and/or repair of liquefied petroleum gas liquid meters.
Before any person engages in or continues the business of calibration and/or repair of liquefied petroleum gas liquid meters, in the State of Alabama and not being a holder of a Permit A, that person shall first obtain from the board a Permit E and shall execute and file with the board the insurance and surety in cash as herein required.
(9) PERMIT F. Shall give the holder the right to engage in or continue the business of filling LP-gas cylinders and/or LP-gas motor fuel containers of less than 351 pounds water capacity from a stationary filling station. Before any person engages in or continues in the business of filling LP-gas cylinders and/or LP-gas motor fuel containers and not being a holder or an agent of a Permit A or Permit B-1, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit F and shall execute and file with the board the insurance and surety in cash as herein required. Owners of businesses that hold a Permit F shall ensure that only trained, qualified personnel fill cylinders that contain LP-gas. Permit F holders shall not hold a Class F-1 permit. A separate permit, surety in cash and insurance certificate shall be required for each filling station
(10) PERMIT F-1. Shall give the holder the right to engage in or continue in the business of selling or filling welding or cutting gases as defined in subdivision (7) of Section 9-17-100 or selling or filling LP-gas cylinders and/or LP-gas motor fuel containers of less than 351 pounds water capacity from a stationary filling station and to transport welding or cutting gases, LP-gas cylinders, and/or LP-gas motor fuel containers. To qualify for a Class F-1 permit, the applicant shall be in the business of selling welding or cutting gas supplies and shall meet all state and federal regulations for the transportation of LP-gas. Holders of a Permit F-1 shall not sell more than 40,000 gallons of LP-gas each calendar year to be verified by purchases received in the previous 12 months in a sworn affidavit at time of renewal of the Permit F-1. Permit holders whose gallons exceed 40,000 gallons for the preceding 12 months shall meet the requirements of either the Permit A or Permit B-1, whichever permit is applicable. Permit holders who exceed 40,000 gallons in a calendar year shall be authorized to continue in the business of selling, filling, and transporting welding or cutting gases, LP-gas cylinders, and/or motor fuel containers under their Permit F-1, while the applicant is completing the requirements to obtain the proper permit provided that the permit holder has filed a completed application for the proper permit with the board. Failure to file an application for the proper permit and/or provide the required affidavit by the 31st of January after the Permit F-1 expiration date shall cause cancellation of the Permit F-1. Holders of a Permit F-1 shall not transport LP-gas in any bulk quantity. Holders of a Permit F-1 shall not operate off-premise cylinder exchanges or off-premise filling stations. Owners of businesses that hold a Permit F-1 shall ensure that only trained, qualified personnel fill or transport containers or cylinders that contain LP-gas. Before any person engages in or continues in the business of selling, transporting, or filling welding or cutting gases, LP-gas cylinders, and/or LP-gas motor fuel containers when the person is not an agent of or a holder of either a Permit A or Permit B-1, the person shall first obtain from the board a Permit F-1 and shall execute and file with the board on a form provided by the board the insurance and surety in cash as herein required. No person shall act as an agent of any Permit F-1 holder. Permit F-1 holders shall not hold a Class F permit. A separate permit, surety in cash, and insurance certificate shall be required for each filling station location.
(11) The administrator may issue temporary Class B, B-1, C, C-1, C-2, D, E, F, and F-1 permits as soon as all requirements have been met. The temporary permit shall remain in effect until the next regular board meeting, unless the board extends the effective date of any such temporary permit by official action.
(c) The board shall establish and maintain a LP-Gas Recovery Fund conditioned on full compliance with this article and the rules and regulations of the board. When the administrator has determined that there are claims against the LP-Gas Recovery Fund, there shall be a third party hearing by an administrative law judge from the office of the Attorney General to adjudicate the matter. When the appeal time has lapsed after an administrative hearing where the cash surety is determined to be in default, the administrator shall initiate action to recover the five thousand dollars ($5,000) cash surety from the person found to be in violation of this article and transfer the cash surety into the LP-Gas Research and Education Fund. After the conclusion of the appeal time, payment shall be received in the board office within 10 days. Interest on the payment shall begin to accrue on the eleventh day at the rate of one percent per month or any fraction thereof provided that the board, for good cause shown, may waive the interest or any fraction thereof. Failure to remit payment and interest within 30 days after the expiration of the time to appeal, may result in the suspension or revocation of the person's permit and cause the administrator to transfer five thousand dollars ($5,000) out of the LP-Gas Recovery Fund into the LP-Gas Research and Education Fund.
(1) Initial payment to the LP-Gas Recovery Fund by all permit holders, except those not required to file a cash surety shall be one hundred dollars ($100) payable as prescribed by this article. Class C, C-1, and C-2 permit holders shall only be required to file a surety in cash for the company's initial permit. Thereafter, payment made to the LP-Gas Recovery Fund by a permit holder shall be made upon application to the board for the initial permit. Payment shall be one hundred dollars ($100) and shall be refundable only if the application is denied or cancelled by the board.
(2) When the balance in the LP-Gas Recovery Fund is less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), each permit holder shall, on order of the board, make a non-refundable payment to the LP-Gas Recovery Fund. The payment will be determined by the board to return the LP-Gas Recovery Fund balance to forty thousand dollars ($40,000). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the payment shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100) and shall not be levied more than once in any fiscal year.
(3) If the balance in the LP-Gas Recovery Fund exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) at the end of any fiscal year, the administrator shall transfer the amount in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to the LP-Gas Research and Education Fund.
(4) If the balance in the LP-Gas Recovery Fund is insufficient to satisfy a duly authorized claim or portion of a claim, the board shall, when sufficient money has been deposited into the LP-Gas Recovery Fund, satisfy the unpaid claims or portions thereof.
(5) The sums received by the board pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State Treasury and held in a special fund to be known as the "Liquefied Petroleum Gas Recovery Fund", and shall be held by the board in trust for carrying out the purposes of the LP-Gas Recovery Fund. These funds may be invested by the State Treasurer in any investments which are legal under the laws of this state. From time to time, the administrator of the board may cause the withdrawal of cash to be made from the LP-Gas Recovery Fund to carry out the purposes of the LP-Gas Recovery Fund. Any interest or other income from investments of the LP-Gas Recovery Fund shall be credited to the LP-Gas Recovery Fund.
"(d) An applicant for any of the 10 permits shall also file with the board evidence that he or she has in force the listed insurance coverage written on standard contract forms by an insurance company or companies qualified to do business in the State of Alabama based upon those activities listed below in which he or she is engaged. Proof of insurance shall only be accepted on a form provided by the board. Proof of liability insurance for all LP-gas cargo vehicles shall be filed on a MCS.90 form or on a form acceptable to the board.
"For Class A, B, and B-1 Permits; E Permits for performing calibration, and inspections of LP-gas meters on site:
Insurance | Each | Each |
Occurrence | Person | |
Comprehensive automobile liability covering: | ||
(Bodily injury liability) | $100,000 | $50,000 |
(Property damage liability) | $100,000 | |
Comprehensive general liability covering: | ||
(Bodily injury liability) | ||
(Manufacturers and contractors liability) | 100,000 | |
(Owners and contractors protection liability) | ||
(Completed operations and products liability) | ||
For Class A, B, and B-1 permit cargo vehicle as follows: | ||
To 3499 water gallon capacity | $1 million | |
From 3500 water gallon capacity | $5 million | |
For Class C, C-1, C-2, D, F, and F-1 permits; and E permits only for performing in-shop repairs to LP-gas meters: | ||
Comprehensive general liability covering: | ||
(Bodily injury liability) | $100,000 | |
(Manufacturers and contractors liability) | ||
(Owners and contractors protection liability) | $100,000 | |
(Completed operations and products liability) |
For Permit C-1 LP-gas motor fuel carburetion only:
Each Occurrence | Each Person | Each Vehicle | |
Garage liability, one | $100,000 | $50,000 | $50,000 |
Direct/primary to include: | |||
comprehensive general liability | |||
(Bodily injury liability) | |||
(Manufacturers and contractors liability) | |||
(Owners and contractors protection liability) | |||
(Completed operations and products liability) | |||
Garage liability, one | |||
Direct/primary to include: | |||
garage keepers legal liability | $50,000 |
(e) In lieu of filing with the board evidence that the insurance coverage, as outlined above, is in force, the holder of or applicant for a permit described herein may file with the board a good and sufficient surety bond executed by an insurance company qualified to do business in this state, in an amount sufficient to satisfy the requirements of subsection (d). The bond shall be payable to the State of Alabama and shall be conditioned to guarantee the payment of all damages which proximately result from any act of negligence on the part of any person or his or her agents, servants, or employees while engaging in any of the activities specified in this section. In lieu of the surety bond, any person may execute and file a good and sufficient personal bond, in the amount and conditioned as above specified, which personal bond shall be secured by bonds or other obligations of the State of Alabama or the United States government of equal value. Evidence of required insurance issued by an insurance company shall be filed on a form provided by the board. When a surety bond, personal bond, or other obligations of equal value is used in lieu of evidence of the required insurance coverage, the surety bond, personal bond, or other obligation of equal value shall remain on deposit in the State Treasury in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Personal Bond Fund until at least 365 days have lapsed and there are no claims against the bonds or obligations of equal value. The administrator may issue a refund of the bonds or obligations of equal value from the bond fund after proper application has been submitted. When the administrator has notice of a claim filed against the monies or other obligations of equal value held in lieu of an insurance contract, the administrator shall deliver to the court, interplead and deposit with the court the amount of money or obligations held, the administrator and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board shall be discharged from liability as to any claim, and the action shall continue as between the claimants of the monies or properties. If the matter is adjudicated before 365 days have lapsed, the court shall return any balance of any money or obligation to the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Personal Bond Fund.
(f) Any state, county, or any incorporated municipality or agency, or instrumentality thereof and any industrial user who makes application and possesses a Class C permit shall not be required to file with the board a surety in cash, provided that all of the servicing, repairing, adjusting, removing, and installing of LP-gas equipment, appliances, and systems is only being accomplished on their own LP-gas equipment, appliances, and systems.
(g) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a fund to be designated as the "Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Personal Bond Fund" into which cash bonds or other obligations shall be deposited and from which the bonds shall be removed or refunded by the administrator at the appropriate time. The monies or other obligations in the bond fund shall not revert to the General Fund at the end of each state fiscal year, but shall be carried over into each subsequent state fiscal year and disbursed as provided in this section.
(h) Whenever a Class A, B, or B-1 permit holder's company name has changed, all vehicles and equipment assigned to the company shall be relettered with the new company name as follows: by the annual renewal of the company permit or within 180 days of the name change, whichever is greater, provided, for good cause shown the board may extend the date by official action. Unmarked LP-gas delivery cargo vehicles or equipment placed in operation shall be lettered and placarded as required by the applicable section of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, within 90 days of the date the vehicle was first placed into operation within this state. Vehicles and equipment not lettered with the company name within the described period shall be removed from service until the proper company name is affixed to the vehicle or equipment by the owner.
(i) Counties, municipalities, or other local entities are prohibited from requiring any further local testing or other requirements of LP-gas servicemen, certified by the LP-Gas Board, subject to the payment of any applicable local privilege, license, or business fees or charges.
(Acts 1965, No. 220, p. 305, §6; Acts 1979, No. 79-435, p. 690, §1; Acts 1984, No. 84-293, p. 555, §1; Acts 1988, No. 88-142, p. 215, §3; Acts 1989, No. 89-535, p. 1097, §1; Acts 1992, No. 92-123, p. 213, §3; Acts 1994, No. 94-211, p. 283, §2; Acts 1997, No. 97-685, p. 1361, §1; Act 2008-128, p. 174, §3.)