(a) The board shall require that every applicant for a Permit A have located within the State of Alabama a minimum of 30,000 (water gallon capacity) gallons storage capacity for liquefied petroleum gases. Class B-1 permit holders shall be required to have a minimum of 18,000 (water gallon capacity) gallons storage capacity of liquefied petroleum gas. However, persons who are valid agents of a Class A permit holder who sell only welding gases that qualify as liquid petroleum gas under Section 9-17-100, shall be exempt from the minimum storage requirements under this section.
(b) If the 30,000 gallon (water capacity) storage consists of more than one container, then no storage container in any installation used to meet this requirement of the law shall be a size less than 6,000 gallon (water capacity) and the storage capacity required by this section of the law shall be within close proximity to the area serviced and used by the applicant to service his customers in the State of Alabama.
(c) The board shall require that such person shall submit plans for the proposed bulk storage facility to the office of the board and obtain approval by the administrator of such plans before construction is begun. All such facilities must be constructed according to rules and regulations of the board and the completed unit must have board approval before being used.
(d) If the holder of a Permit A or Permit B-1 submits plans to the board for a storage plant that shall remain his property even though the plant be at a customer's site or if the plant to be built is to be used as part of his own distribution system, then there will be no additional fees for approval and inspection of this facility; however, if this permit holder undertakes to install a bulk storage system of 5,000 gallons water capacity or more in single containers or in multi-container installation of an aggregate of 5,000 gallons water capacity, he must obtain approval for the location and for the plans from the administrator of the board before construction is begun. When plans for the bulk storage plant described above are submitted to the board for approval, a fee of $200.00 must be paid at the same time. This fee of $200.00 will cover examination of the plans and one site inspection. An additional fee of $50.00 for each inspection trip to the site, that is required, shall be paid to the board before final approval is given for the facility to be used. These fees may be changed by the board.
(Acts 1965, No. 220, p. 305, §;8; Acts 1979, No. 79-435, p. 690, §1; Acts 1989, No. 89-535, p. 1097, §1; Acts 1992, No. 92-123, p. 213, §3.)