The Director of the Division of Parks shall act for and officially represent Alabama on all subjects, inquiries and matters connected with or growing out of the part performed by troops from this state in the War Between the States which may arise in connection with the location and identification of their position or part in any battle or engagement or upon any battlefield or in connection with the appropriate determination, location, identification or marking of such part or position or in connection with the appropriate marking or monumenting of spots or occurrences made historic by their services or sacrifices, whether in the several military parks or on some other battlefield or in prisons or cemeteries or other historic spots or places. The Director of the Division of Parks, unless otherwise provided, shall have charge of the erection and shall direct the expenditure of all appropriations for the placing of monuments, memorials or markers to Alabama troops in the war as above set forth.
(Code 1923, §1734; Code 1940, T. 8, §177.)