There shall be a State Park Fund. All moneys received from gifts or bequests or from county, municipal or federal appropriations or moneys appropriated by the State of Alabama shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of said fund. The said fund hereby created shall be used and expended by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest, appropriation or donation from which said moneys are derived and, in the absence of any such terms or stipulations, shall be expended by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources in furtherance of any of the provisions of this chapter. All expenses of the Division of Parks of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources including its pro rata portion of administrative expenses of said Department of Conservation and Natural Resources shall be payable from said fund on the requisition of the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources; provided, however, that no funds shall be withdrawn nor expended for any purpose whatsoever unless the same shall have been allotted and budgeted in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41 of this code and only in the amounts and for the purposes provided by the Legislature in the general appropriation bill.
(Acts 1939, No. 556, p. 877, §6; Code 1940, T. 8, §183; Acts 1945, No. 228, p. 351; Acts 1951, No. 831, p. 1462, §1; Acts 1967, No. 778, p. 1637, §1.)