The functions and duties of the commission shall be as follows:
(1) To protect, conserve and increase the timber and forest resources of this state and to administer all laws relating to timber and forestry and the protection, conservation and increase of such resources;
(2) To make exploration, surveys, studies and reports concerning the timber and forest resources and to publish such thereof as will be of general interest;
(3) To maintain, supervise, operate and control all state forests;
(4) To cooperate with and enter into cooperative agreements and stipulations with the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States or any other federal officer or department, board, bureau, commission, agency or office thereunto authorized with respect to the protection of timbered and forest-producing land from fire, insects and disease, the acquisition of forest lands to be developed, administered and managed as state forests, the production, procurement and distribution of forest trees and shrub planting stock, the carrying on of an educational program in connection therewith, the assistance of the owners of farms in establishing, improving and renewing wood lots, shelter belts, windbreaks and other valuable forest growths, the growing and renewing of useful timber crops and the collection and publication of data with respect to the timber and forest resources or any other matters committed to the commission by this title;
(5) To make and enforce all regulations and restrictions required for such cooperation, agreements or stipulations;
(6) To carry on a program of education and public enlightenment with respect to the timber and forest and other natural resources of Alabama;
(7) To make an annual report to the Governor concerning the activities and accomplishments of the commission for the preceding fiscal year;
(8) To recommend to the Legislature such legislation as may be needed further to protect, conserve, increase or to make available or useful the timber and forests and other natural resources of Alabama; and
(9) To supervise, direct and manage all activities of the Forestry Commission and its staff and employees.
(Acts 1969, No. 764, p. 1354, §4.)