Upon the requisition of the State Geologist, when approved by the Governor, the Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the amount appropriated in such sums as may be needed from time to time for the purposes provided for in this chapter. For all expenditures made under the provisions of this chapter, except for the salary of the State Geologist, the approval of the Governor must be obtained and the vouchers of the State Geologist for all such expenditures must be filed quarterly with the Comptroller, and a statement of his receipts and expenditures shall accompany each quadrennial report of the State Geologist.
(Code 1896, §2244; Code 1907, §692; Acts 1923, No. 512, p. 683; Code 1923, §1036; Acts 1927, No. 386, p. 456; Code 1940, T. 55, §248.)