(a) At any time after five years from the organization of a watershed conservancy district, 25 or more landowners within a district or, if less than 50 landowners are involved, a majority of the landowners in such district may file a petition with the board of supervisors praying that the existence of the district be discontinued. The petition shall state the reasons for discontinuance and that all obligations of the district have been met.
(b) After giving notice, the board of supervisors may conduct such hearings on the petition as may be necessary to assist it in making a determination.
(c) Within 60 days after the petition is filed, a referendum shall be held and conducted under the supervision of the board of supervisors in the same manner as a referendum is required to be held and conducted under the provisions of Sections 9-8-56 through 9-8-58. No informalities in the conduct of the referendum or in any matters relating to the referendum shall invalidate it or its result if due notice of the referendum has been given as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(d) If a majority of the votes cast in such referendum favor the discontinuance of the district and it is found that all the obligations have been met, the board of supervisors shall make a determination that the watershed conservancy district shall be discontinued. A copy of the determination shall be certified to the judge of probate of the county or counties involved for recording. After recording, the certification shall be filed with the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee.
(Acts 1957, No. 517, p. 705, §15.)