Whenever it may be desirable to construct, widen, deepen, straighten or otherwise change any ditch, drain, watercourse, floodwater retarding structure, levee or other works of improvement lying on or along, across or near the boundary line between the State of Alabama and an adjoining state or whenever it may be desirable to construct, repair or improve any works of improvement as provided for in this article, which ditch, drain, watercourse, floodwater retarding structure or other works of improvement cannot be constructed, repaired or improved in the best manner without affecting lands in such adjoining state, the board of water management commissioners of the district in which such work is located shall have authority to join with the proper officers of such adjacent county or counties or districts of other states in the construction, widening, deepening, straightening, repairing or improving of any such drain, ditch, watercourse, floodwater retarding structure or other works of improvement. Such water management commissioners of any district of this state are hereby given power jointly to enter into contracts with the proper officers of such county or counties or districts in adjoining states to construct, repair or improve any such works of improvement, each to pay such proportion of costs and expenses of the work as the contracting officials shall deem just. Such works of improvement shall be made on petition, as provided for in this article, and the provisions of this article, as far as applicable, shall govern the water management commissioners and other officers of this state in relation to such joint works of improvement.
(Acts 1965, No. 685, p. 1246, §47.)